
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Harmonizing Gelli Prints in Your Journal

While I'm away in the Czech Republic, I thought I'd share a journal spread I created in a journal that is part of the circle journal I've been participating in.  It is made from gelli prints.

The two sides of the spread started off looking very different from one another.
Using a variety of stencils (Kae Pea's Tribal Leaves and Jane LaFazio's Pods) from Stencil Girl Products, I brought teal from the right hand page over to the left, and ochre from the left hand page over to the right.  I added orange to both sides of the spread, as well as an element from Maria McGuire's Stitch a Greek Border

Adding a wash to both faces with yellow tied them together even more, as did circles I punched out of scrap paper.

The journaling was inspired by a beautiful quote by the Buddha - "If we see ourselves in others, than whom can we harm?"

Here's a video showing the process.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Beautiful spread Jessica, and I love your journaling based on the quote.

  2. Jessica.. I just love the way you do your videos. You explain your steps so well. Love the face profiles. I hope you are having an amazing time with Mariel.

  3. Beautiful! Great video tutorial as well! So glad I discovered your blog!

  4. Beautiful pages! Love the faces and color! I am enjoying reading about your adventure to the CR too!

  5. Don't you just love being able to "schedule" posts on your blog? I do! We can still get a dose of Jessica, which you are half way around the world visiting beautiful Mariel! Just love watching your videos with your "voice over" sharing the steps it took to get to your final--and beautiful--projects. This one is very special because both the art and the sentiment speaks personally to me. This one is just awesome...thanks!

  6. What a beautiful spread Jessica, I love how you have balanced everything so perfectly, superb job sweetie. A fascinating insight into your process too, thank-you so much for sharing.
    Huge hugs x x x

  7. Gorgeous spread...and I love the sentiment!

  8. Love how this turned out Jessica!

  9. I realized I never got here. Love this spread and those the leaves and pods used together. Maria's border in the gold just blasts it over the top. xox

  10. So great how you tied the prints together! Namaste. _/\_

  11. Fantastic work, specially love the first one.
    lovely greet

  12. Wow Jessica, really love this! thanks so much for sharing the process ... ♥

  13. Wonderful tute on pairing these separate pages. I love the outcome and the quote, especially.

  14. Beautiful artwork and message!! I agree!

    Hugs Giggles


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