
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Winner Announced and Helloooo Out There

I hope you haven't forgotten about me!  I know I've been MIA lately...

I recently directed a production of The Secret Garden for Gas Lamp Players, the community theater in  my town of Glen Ridge, NJ.  It was a labor of love and required my 100 percent devotion, particularly in the last two weeks leading up to our weekend of performances.  Here are some pictures:

The show created a lot of buzz.  The Glen Ridge town council officially proclaimed November 22 "Secret Garden Day;" our local restaurant created a special Secret Garden prix fix menu to honor the show; and we ended up being sold out for our final performance!

Here's a video from a preview concert-version that some of my cast performed in October:

I couldn't be prouder of the show, and am in a bit of withdrawal, now that it's over.  But I plan to get back to creating more video and blog tutorials in 2014.  

Why 2014?   Because on Saturday, I leave for the Czech Republic to visit my daughter, Mariel, who is teaching for a year in Znojmo.  She's been keeping a blog about her experiences -- I know I'm biased but it's fascinating!

And I'll be on Stencil Girl Talk on Monday with some holiday projects and tutorials!

And... the winner of my three new stencils from my last post with this art journaling page 

is Linda, who wrote: 

What beautiful colorful work and the more stuff the better on the page. I work that way too! I don't have any stencils and would love to try them. Thanks.

I've already contacted Linda and am so happy to start her off on her love of stencils.  Little does she know that it's addictive! 

Here's a different take on gratitude by Nicole Antoinette, writing about 5 often overlooked things we can be grateful for.   Lest you think I take you for granted, I want to thank all of you who read this blog.  I so appreciate the online community of supportive artists and creative talents "out there."  In this season of gratitude,  I want to make sure you know that I am very grateful for all of you.  

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Congratulations to Linda!
    I'm off to check out your post on Ronda's blog!

  2. Wow, totally excited to be the winner! I can't wait to try stencils in my artwork. Thank you so much. Linda

  3. I certainly have NOT forgotten about you Jessica. I actually thought you may have taken another trip to Guatemala knowing how near and dear it is to your heart. What an awesome play it must have been in person!! Loved the vid :) Looks like you'll be busy with many happy and fulfilling things-all the best to you and yours. XO

  4. Hello Jessica!
    How are you travelling? Can you believe we're on the cusp of December?
    I thought you might like to know that I am hosting Reverb again this year. It'd be a privilege to have you join us.
    Everything you need to know can be found at:
    We kick off on Sunday and it is going to be AMAZING. Hope to see you there!
    Kat xxx

  5. Congratulations Linda! Sounds like you have been super busy and no, I haven't forgotten about you! I keep checking daily to see if there are any new posts! Enjoy your visit with your daughter!!!! Safe travels!

  6. Wow Jessica, you´ve been busy. And all kinds of exciting things happening for you! congrats on the features, and I hope you´ll have a wonderful time with your daughter! thanks for the advice with my pictures. I´m afraid it´ll lower the quality of the prints though ... Not sure yet what to do. Have you noticed any difference in quality after you did that?

  7. So happy the show was a success.. and now off to visit your beautiful Mariel. Will be so wonderful to see her and spend time. You know how much I love your art and journaling style.

  8. Hi Jessica ...stumbled upon your blog. I was actually looking to get a 2014 calendar. Checked with GSY and they did not have anything new from you. Its about time to flip to the last page on your wonderful, whimsical and oh so inspirational calendar for 2013. (P.s..its deb z from Lotus, Starseed &I Raji yoga days

  9. Hi Jessica ...stumbled upon your blog. I was actually looking to get a 2014 calendar. Checked with GSY and they did not have anything new from you. Its about time to flip to the last page on your wonderful, whimsical and oh so inspirational calendar for 2013. (P.s..its deb z from Lotus, Starseed &I Raji yoga days

  10. Happy for Linda! Happy for you, Jessica, and your successful production! Happy for Mariel who will be overjoyed to see her Mama! Much for which to be thankful! Mwah!

  11. Congratulations on the show, and have a wonderful time with Mariel!


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