
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Art is You and Me and We

I spent 5 days at the happiest place on earth.  No... not Disneyworld ... Art is You in Stamford, Connecticut!  No long lines, no overpriced food and souvenirs -- just wonderful, artistic souls, creating and playing together.

My first workshop was with Jodi Ohl, someone whose work I have long admired. 

We worked on portrait techniques, and created glorious mermaids and maidens.

I was in class with Kirsten Reed, and when we went to dinner afterwards, our ladies had to have their own seats at the table.

Michelle Ward's class, called "Recess," was a stretch for me.  I was challenged to have stillness and restraint in most of my canvas, so that the recessed areas would draw focus.  I don't think anyone would describe my art as restrained, but I enjoyed making the effort and still feel that the canvasses look like "me."

I was WAY out of my comfort zone in Nellie Wortman's class.  We bent wire and did a lot of hand sewing to create these hanging sculptures that hold a little electric candle luminary.   Nellie was a very generous teacher, offering advice, words of encouragement, tips and techniques, as well as her remarkable story.

My last class was a two day painting workshop with Tracy Verdugo called "Sacred Marks."  This was as much a spiritual experience as a painting experience, and I loved it.   My huge 36 x 36" canvas went through many stages:

I'm still not done with it.... I hope to finish it soon and will share it when I do!

Of course, the best thing about Art is You is reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.  And of course, rocking out to good music while making art makes it even better!

I'm so thrilled that I will be teaching at Art is You in October 2014.   Stay tuned for workshop details and more!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

I'm linking to Paint Party Friday, where I hope to catch up with more old friends who I haven't visited in a long time...

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  1. Love that Sacred Marks piece. Wish I was there!!

  2. It was quite a stretch of fun, wasn't it? ALL your art came out amazing. So great to be with you and all the sistas again. So much fun. I'm still recovering. <3

  3. You are too fast for me Jessica! Loved your OLW piece. You are wonderful at updating your blog! I will have my OLW post up for a month probably.

  4. Everything you've done is gorgeous! Love the canvases and wow all the layers and progression is Amazing! I love it! Can't wait to see that last piece completed! Almost a Flora Bowley looking process! Seems a wonderful time was had by all!! Congratulations on teaching next year!

    Hugs Gigges

  5. Great seeing you there Jessica. Love what you created and that you chose classes that would stretch you. The canvas you made in Tracy's class is awesome already!!

  6. wow- what a fabulous retreat and so many inspiring projects Jessica! IlLove how you went totally out of the box and yet came out with beautiful projects and a great learning experience! Fantastic!!

  7. What a fantastic time you must have had with all those workshops! I love the painting you did in Tracy's class, I like the stages of it too!
    Jess x x

  8. fantastic event.. you all made stunning artpieces there! amazing!

  9. Amazing, beautiful pieces, love them! <3

  10. All great pieces. Sounds like this was a fun and learning experience. Thanks for sharing. Gloria

  11. Love the mood and feeling of these pieces! Beautiful!

  12. Saw some of this on your fb page. Great art with great gorup. And I love your hair! Happy PPF.

  13. Wow, wonderful classes you chose....wonderful work you created, but then you always inspire. Love your restrained pieces and your stencils moving through them. xox

  14. Sounds absolutely wonderful! LOVE your class work and congrats on your teaching gig next year! You deserve it so, xoxo

  15. You should be so pleased with your lovely creations!

  16. Such beautiful work you created. I agree so much better than disneyland.

  17. Beautiful work...and I wish I was there too:)

  18. Oh my Jessica you were BUSY last weekend! Such beautiful creations I adore the mermaid portrait. Glad you got to go outside the old comfort zone...a sometimes scary venture but the end result and growth in art is invaluable!



  19. Sounds really awesome with all these different classes, and the results are amazing!
    Happy PPF

  20. Wish I was there :) It sounded like an incredible class and what a lovely bunch of ladies.
    Thanks for sharing the fun with us and all the delightful pieces that came from your weekend.
    Keep smiling,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  21. What a fabulous recap! Your work is stunning and I know just what you mean about comfort zones and pushing. It's so wonderful soaking in all the artistic talent at AIY. So glad we had the time together!


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