
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Foto-Full Summer Summary

So much has been happening in my neck of the woods - I wanted to fill you in and also re-cap the summer a bit!

I participated in a bunch of online challenges over the summer via Instagram.  There are so many of them, and they are so much fun.  I finished off the 100 Day Challenge with numbers.  At some point when I have time, I think I'll put the alphabet and the numbers together in a little book.

When the challenge was over, I felt such a letdown. I loved the stimulation of a challenge.  So I searched around for more, and found #ifdrawaweek, #augustwithajournal, #simplealphabets, and #doodleadayaugust.  Occasionally, I was able to put the prompts from these challenges together for some fun and unlikely combinations!

At the same time, I participated in an amazing online class called MATS Home Decor run by Lilla Rogers.  It was so informative, supportive and fun, and I love the artwork I created for it.

Whew - I did A LOT of art this summer!

While all this was going on, I got things set up for our Creative Team.  Have you seen the first two posts?  They are amazing, and more goodness is yet to come!

I also managed to have lots of fun with friends and family, including reunions with Pat, who had been my youngest daughter's babysitter from 2003 - 2007, and her son Dave, who once did graphic design work for me (top left), and getting together with my best friend and boyfriend from the High School of Performing Arts (bottom row left).  Samy performed in a cabaret at the Metropolitan Room in NYC (middle row right).  I designed a shirt for Lin Manuel Miranda, which my parents are modeling in the bottom row middle, below.  (You can purchase the shirt at Teerico here.)  And I enjoyed lots of time with my girls and husband at my heaven on earth, Pine Lake Park.

What are some of the highlights of your summer?  I'd love to know!

         Visit Stencil Girl Products and RubberMoon Stamps to see all my designs!

If you haven't already - please connect with me here:
Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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