
Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Call to Art

Last week, I wrote about the inspiration for this art journal page for #bringbackourgirls.

Thursday, May 15, will be one month since nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls were kidnapped; it is rumored that they have been sold into slavery.  Can you imagine their anguish, and the anguish of their families?  It is unthinkable.

After weeks of this tragedy being virtually invisible, our government is sending some aid and many demonstrations have occurred.  The world is taking notice.  I wanted to do more than pray for these girls.  So, I put out "A CALL TO ART," and a lot of incredible artists are participating.  Here are the details:

So many amazing artists (including Ronda Palazzari, Kristen Powers, Marjie Kemper, Lesley Veneble and Judy Shea, to name a few) are participating in the online auction, which starts on May 15th at 7AM EDT, and ends on May 17 at 3PM EDT.  

Here's the piece that I made for the auction:

It's on an 8x8 canvas created using a vintage map of Africa that was in a 1952 atlas I purchased while in the Czech Republic last month.  It will be up for auction on May 15th.  All proceeds from the auction will go to Girl Rising, in support of global education for girls.

Here's a peek at some of my process.  You can also watch "Canvas for #BringBackOurGirls" on YouTube here.  

I hope you'll consider joining us in "A Call to Art" on May 15th.  You can participate either by simply blogging, posting or tweeting about the importance of education for girls, creating art inspired by the Nigerian girls, donating a piece to the auction, or helping us to publicize the auction.  ALL ART IS GOOD!  NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL.  DONATE A BOOKMARK, TAG, CANVAS, ALTERED PIECE.  EVERY BIT HELPS!

Email artistsbringback (at) gmail (dot) com for more information and FAQ answers or visit our Facebook group.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

Linking to Paint Party Friday, Art Journal Everyday and Art Journal Journey.

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  1. Wonderful idea -
    great Jessica..

    an amazing piece and video as well!
    Happy Mother's Day !!!


  2. I love and admire your passion Jessica! Truly an-awesome idea and I hope for a large turnout for the girls!

  3. This is really awesome! I'll make sure to participate.

  4. A very good idea! I'll participate too. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Wonderful art work. Love the strong colours and the message.

  6. What a wonderful canvas and what an amazing cause. I've been following this story and I'm hoping to make something to help out the cause.

  7. Jessica, I love your blog which is why I wanted you to know that feedburner- the service you use to publish your blog to email readers-- stopped working around mid April. Right now, all your blog posts ( and all the other blogs I read that use feedburner) go into yahoo's spam folder. I use this service too so I am trying to figure out the right fix. you can email me if you want schulmanart AT -- Miriam

  8. Such a sad situation, far and wide we pray for these young women...a wonderful project with beautiful art!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Your piece is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm so glad to participate with you on this endeavor. Thank you for thinking of it!

  10. Great cause Jessica. I'm glad to be able to be a part of this effort, working along side so many great women!

  11. First, you know how much I enjoy your art. Second, this atrocity is not just a homeland crisis. The world has to come together to stop this EVERY WHERE.

  12. Sad situation and it is great you are doing something for this. I loved the art and wish you all the best in getting help and rescue for those girls.

  13. The thing I love about your art is that is heartfelt and with a purpose. I am not fully back into my art yet, but will see if I have something I have done before that might be appropriate.

  14. i have been trying to contact you with the email provided but for some reason it wont work i want to donate a canvas.

  15. Lovely artwork, very inspiring. Great project you do for these girls. Wish you all the best for it.

  16. A fabulous piece Jessica! I have a small canvas that I wish to donate but am waiting for a reply to my email . Just hope I can get it posted in time ! Xx

  17. Hermosos trabajos!! que bueno reciclar!! te invito a ver mi blog, Saludos Ana


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!