
Monday, March 10, 2014

Teaching, Creating, Dreaming and Meeting UP!

Lots to catch up on here!!

I just love using silhouettes and stencils in my work.  (But you knew that...)  Well, I am going to share my knowledge and enthusiasm on April 5th at The Ink Pad.  (Actually, in their big Westbeth Studio space!)  

Here's a video preview of the class in which I created the art journal page above right.  Hope you can join me!

(You can also watch Stencils & Silhouettes on You Tube here.)

Next, I spent a wonderful day in NYC with my friend Marjie Kemper on Sunday.

We walked along the Highline from Westbeth up to W. 26th street, enjoying the balmy weather (we were nearly skipping with joy after this crazy winter) and stopping into 20+ studios and galleries as part of the Highline Open Studios tour.   Although we saw some work we liked, we also remarked about how amazing the artwork is in our little community.  Seriously!  For example, look at the exquisite journal piece Marjie created right after our day in the city.
On Marjie's blog, she details how she made it.

When I drove into the city, I found a great parking spot on Horatio Street right in front of a beautiful townhouse that is for sale.  Marjie and I had a lot of laughs as I pretended that this will be my new home.   (Hey - a girl can dream!)

We checked out my "new neighborhood" and found a really sweet restaurant called "The Hudson Cafe" which will definitely be one of our go to places next time we take or teach a class at The Ink Pad.  (When I got home, I looked it up to see the asking price of this townhouse... only $4.75 million.... definitely have to up my teaching schedule!)

Mary Beth Shaw's newest stencil designs for Stencil Girl's Stencil Club are coming out on 3/15.  Here's a sneak peak at a piece I'm working on with her gorgeous designs from February 2014. 
And the great thing about Stencil Club is once you join, you can go back and order past designs at the club price.

This design is for One Little Word - so check back on 3/15 for a post about this project with a video of my process!

Plus, this is going to be a BIG month for One Little Word -- there will be two "words up" and lots of prizes.

Last bit of news -- are you with me?  I started a Meetup group for art classes in my home studio.  The next class is April 12th - making mini masterpieces using tags.  Here's the link to join my group (it's free to join) so you can find out about upcoming classes.  Class size is limited to 8 people, and they fill up fast!   I hope you'll join me!

That's it for now.  Thanks for stopping by!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I love this tags, there are really amazing!!!

  2. Those tags are amazing...cohesively shows your beautiful style!! As for that and I thought Vancouver B.C was insane....well it still is...but 4.5 must be pretty deluxe. Thanks for sharing...have to come back for the video...on my way out!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Jessica, How fun for you and Marjie- sounds like a great play date!! I so wish I lived closer, I would sooo take your class- it looks like it will be full of fun artsy yumminess!! Guess I'll have to wait for the online version! (hint hint!)
    Have a super week!

  4. what a great time in the city with art and friends, good food, AND a parking space! Your tags are just marvelous Jessica!

  5. I am so glad that you and Marjie were able to get together, and what better place the "The City!" Your Meet Up group sounds absolutely wonderful...just wish I were a tad closer to your home. Happy to be "meeting up" with you later this month, then taking one of your classes at Art-Is-You in Stamford in October. I feel blessed!

  6. Jessica - if it wasn't for the small matter of the Atlantic Ocean, I would be there!!

  7. I hear the highline is fabulous. So glad you and Marjie got together to play...... Oh I would love to be in your meetup group. Can't wait to see you........fab work my friend. xox

  8. WHAT A FUN DAY!!! It would be so great to take the tour! 4.75 million is chump change...LOL!!! Love love love your tags too! Fab post!~

  9. Wow, it really was affordable after all! Such a fun day with you. Thanks for the shout-out!!


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