
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Get Tagged - An Art Workshop

I hosted a home studio art class on Saturday.  Four lovely women came and made tags with me (the flu kept three people at home, unfortunately).

There are lots of ways to make tags -- the techniques I was sharing are the ones I shared when I demo'd my most recent stencil, Flowers, Pomegranates and Leaves:
 and when I used a Cecilia Swatton tag as a base, and added to it with some of my own stencils. (with video!)

If I had to describe my "tag" style, it's art journaling on a small substrate.  And although I am partial to green backgrounds, I made some tags for the workshop that showed color variety! (The woman in the frame is my great grandmother.  I thought she had a young Frida look to her...)

Lots of Stencil Girl stencils were used!  Heather Brauner rocked the Retro Circles and Flowers; Sandra Koterba loved the new Flowers, Pomegranates & Leaves; Jeri Leer made a gorgeous tag with Doors & Windows; and Lissa Shiffrin Goldsmith was drawn to Judy's Trees and Six Point Starry Night.  They all did amazing work and we had a great time together. 

Upcoming teaching dates:

Stencils & Silhouettes, April 5th at The Ink Pad in NY - a few seats are still available...
Art Journal Twists and Techniques, May 10th at my NJ studio - only 5 spots left!

This weekend, I'm looking forward to being a student at a weekend workshop with Jane Davies.  Best thing about it ... I'm going with Judy Shea.  And on the way there, I'm having dinner with friends and sister artists Corrine Gilman and Kay Wallace.  Can't wait!

Hope to see you soon!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. One three more days till I get a big hug. It's been a year and half and then your class, it must have been so free and fun. xox

  2. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! Hope you have an amazing weekend of creativity, rest, and recharging. Give hugs to Corrine, Judy, and Kay, please.

  3. Oh my gosh! How fun!! Everyone's tags are great! Especially love the lot you created!! Wish I lived closer- I'd come to a playdate!! hugs ")


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