
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stenciling with Thoughts of Grace

One of the most profound teachings I was ever given in my study of yoga and Buddhism is of the changing nature of everything - including my own mind. 

The truth that "things change" can be extremely comforting, especially when life is hard, as it is for so many of us from time to time.  It is easy to think that we'll feel a certain way forever.  This brings pain when life is sad, and also when life is happy, because those conditions will change and shift too.

When life hurts, it is so important to remember that love and Grace are always there for us.  We forget that the door to Grace is always open.  We just have to walk in.

This was on my mind as I worked in my journal with one of the stencils from January Stencil Club from Stencil Girl.

I started with this spread in my art journal.  I had created it in this great class at the Ink Pad with Marybeth Shaw, Pam Carriker, Michelle Ward and Andrew Borloz. 

I painted in the door that I had stenciled using my Doors and Windows Stencil.  Then I decided to use the 9 x 12 Peacock stencil to bring together the two sides of the page.  (Here's a post and video of this process, where I harmonized two different gelli prints in my journal.)

I used scraps of paper that were on my table to mask off the door, so that the pattern from the Peacock stencil wouldn't get on it.

Then I placed the stencil down and pounced.

Here's what it looked like:
I added in embellishments I cut from different gelli prints.  

I also used words I have been working with, to remind myself that even when all seems dark and gloomy, every day offers blessings.  Every day is sacred.  There is grace all around us.  That door is always open.  We just have to walk in.  Or, in other words:

Linking to the lovely blog hops at Inspire Me Monday, Creative Every Day, and Make It Monday. 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. I think it's beautiful, and I love when you share the story behind it (as well as creation tips). I am seriously considering joining the stencil club just to get my hands on your lovely stencils.

  2. This message is so timely for me. Not that my life is hard, it is just that I am entering a new phase of life and changes will come. So the way I react to the change is important and I need the grace and faith to make it through.

  3. Jessica, since I'm new to Stencil Girl and to your blog, I also followed the link to the video where you showed the process of bringing two different pages together. I really like the format you use for your videos. I also appreciate so much seeing, btw the video and your tutorial here, how your creative process unfolds--you're very generous and I learn so much. Also I must add that you have a very lovely, soothing voice which makes it very pleasant to listen to you on the videos. Thanks so much for sharing your incredible talent with us.

  4. Your pages are so rewarding and meaningful. Appreciate your insight into your art pages.

  5. Love you.. Thanks for your beautiful pages, instructions and feeling you send along with them. Always makes me smile.

  6. Really rich with detail Jessica, I can feel the change in here, but there is a softness to it. xox

  7. I love art and humor and humor in art. But, I find, especially as I age, that I appreciate finding spirit and faith in art--such as your work today. I find that no matter how long it takes one to walk through the door, Grace always is there for us. Its offer does not have an expiration date! Beautiful work. Beautiful message! Mwah!

  8. All of the layers are enchanting. There is something about the very first image with just the "Walk In" showing that is so inviting and comforting!

  9. Love your doors stencil ~ I've used it so many times ~ and this is a special spread indeed. Lovely.

  10. Love the art work you create! It's as if the love can be felt through the warmth and comfort that is created. Jessica, I was wondering if I may use this blog to post on my website that's dedicated to inspire others to create whatever is in their hearts. If not, I understand but I think it's perfect for my "Inspiration" page. Your may contact me at any time and I look forward to hearing back from you.

    1. Hi Taisia -Thank you for finding me! What is the link to your blog? Please email me at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks so much!


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