
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stencil Scavenger Hunt!

 I haven't posted in over a week, because I have been preparing a ....

What is that you ask?  Here's how it will work.
  • Every day next week, beginning Monday, I will post a different page from my art journal in which I have used 3 or more stencils from Stencil Girl.   
  • There will always be at least one of mine, but I will also be using gorgeous stencils from other Stencil Girl artists.  
  • Each day, I will post a finished page, plus some step out photos.  
  • I will not tell you which stencils I used.  
  • To play, YOU have to go to the Stencil Girl website and figure out which stencils I used.   
  • Once you know, EMAIL ME at jessicabethsporn (at) gmail (dot) com instead of commenting.  (Of course feel free to leave a comment to say hi!)  Why?  Because if you comment, then EVERYONE will know the answer!  
  • I will compile all the correct comments each day, and put the names into a hat and pick a random winner.  
  • The winner will receive one of the stencils used in that day's design.  Clear as mud?  Here's an example:
Here's the finished page in my art journal (although I added the quote in digitally).   Maybe you can already pick out the three stencils I used...

Here are the step outs.  It all started with this stencil.  Do you recognize it? 

 Then I added two more...

Then I added some color:

I added some outlining and detailing, and it was done!  Can you name the three stencils I used?  Since this is a practice post, I'll tell you!

They are:

Words to Live By by Carolyn Dube,
 Loose Dress 2 by Sue Pelletier,
and Flowers Positive by me, all at Stencil Girl.

The real scavenger hunt starts Monday....

I hope you'll play along, and share this with your friends and on facebook and wherever else you post.  

Remember, every day, from Monday through Sunday of next week, there will be a Stencil Scavenger Hunt and a prize!  That's 7 days of posts and prizes!  Sound good?  Think you'll play along?  I hope so.

In case you're wondering why I'm doing this, here are the reasons...

I am so grateful to be a part of the wonderful community of artists at Stencil Girl.  Every day at Stencil Girl Talk, there is such wonderful inspiration.  Stencil Club is such a supportive community and everyone cheers each other along.

I am just shy of 2000 likes on my Facebook page!  (If you haven't "liked" me there yet, please hop over and nudge me above 2000!)

I just hit the 400 mark of subscribers to my newsletter!

OK - those are reasons enough to celebrate - don't you think?

Linking to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Every Day.  I hope some of my friends at these blog hops will play along.

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Your page is gorgeous! and what a fun celebration! Congrats all around!

  2. Love you background and give away sounds ace idea!

  3. what a brilliant thing to do, thank you for giving us the chance to win some yummy stencils. I cant wait to get scavenging
    Gill xx

  4. Jessica this is a fabulous idea! What fun! Even though I'm part of the StencilGirl team, I'll play along just for the fun of it (no emails from me, but know I'm here daily challenging myself to figure out the three stencils).

  5. Great fun!!'ve worked hard to get here!! Love the adorable page example!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Loving your fab page Jessica, wish you a lot happiness with this challenge. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. Great idea Jessica and that first one I know right away without looking. Sweet page. xox

  8. your painting is such a wonderful breath of Spring -and what a great idea for the stencils! Congrats on all the followers and likes too.

  9. Clever use of stencils. Beautifully done.

  10. I love this sweet and love your idea to use stencils!!!! Happy PPF!!!

  11. just ordered the Flowers Positive and Words To Live for the Stencil Scavenger Hunt!

  12. Jessica, just love this...especially that dress! ;-)


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

jessicasporndesigns (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank You!