
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Feel the Magic

It's time for One Little Word, and the word up this month is "MAGIC!"

Roald Dahl said, "those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

The way I translate this is - believe in magic and you will always find it.

I was recently in the Czech Republic visiting my older daughter, Mariel, who graduated from college this past May.  She is in the CR for a year on a Fulbright scholarship teaching English. 

Fulbright placed her in the most idyllic village with the warmest, most supportive, encouraging mentors, and attentive students.  She has a big, beautiful apartment just around the corner from the village center.   
Fate?  Or magic?

I created this art journal page on the plane ride home -- I drew it with micron pens and painted it with Koi watercolors.  It describes how I feel about Mariel's experience, and my visit with her. 

Do you believe in magic?  Play along with us at One Little Word and let us know!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

And if you want to follow along with Mariel's adventures in the Czech Republic, here is the link to her blog.

PS: Just realized that there's a mistake on my page - I forgot my spelling rule: "i" before "e", except after "c"...   Can you find it?  Ah well - perfectly imperfect I guess!
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  1. I love this page so much it should be mounted on walls everywhere!! Gorgeous and inspirational!!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Beautiful page Jessica, I love the colors, and the text, is magical.

  3. Yes, Jessica, I do believe in magic! My life has been blessed with magic for 7 decades now, and I treasure each magical moment. Your journal page shared here, I think, is representative of the moments spent with Mariel, and it is beautiful. I hope you understand that your art, your words motivate and inspire your followers not only to create, but to be better people. Thank you for that!

  4. So glad things are going so well for Mariel- and what a wonderful town!

  5. Love your colors.....and your thoughts! Beautiful page. Is it all free-hand? You are so talented in very aspect of art, I doubt you had to use any stencils, etc. for this page? Thanks for the inspiration. I want to make a magic page of my own. Just found magic a couple of years ago, thank goodness. Cant imagine living without it. Thanks, Sue

    1. Hi Suzie- yes it is free hand. Just doodling away! I hope you will make a magic page and link it to One Little Word. I would love to see it.

  6. So well put . . . I love the words and I love your art . . . total perfection!!!
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  7. Such a beautiful page - just magic! Perfect for the one word.

  8. wonderful words and a gorgeous illustration! Welcome back. The Czech Republic sure does look like a magical place.

  9. Beautious my friend....What a place Mariel gets to experience.......I do believe in magic. xox

  10. What a wonderful experience for you and your daughter.
    I think the spelling will be easy for YOU to fix!

  11. So bright and happy .... despite the little mistake .... I didn't see it until you pointed it out ;-)

  12. What a wonderful daughter-visit-page-photo-post Jessica! I could do with some brightness and your page makes me smile! I did notice your 'mistake' but as a Dutchie I do not always know if I am the one that is wrong (and of course, it usually is me who has it fault.. b.t.w. is that spelled with an a or o???) For a 'language hairsplitter' like I am (in my own language) it is pretty refreshing to have to let loose of the perfection and to accept that I will always make mistakes writing in another language...

  13. Beautiful! What a great page after your special time with Mariel. I can only guess how special this time was.


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