
Monday, September 16, 2013

Inspiration for the Week Ahead!

I'm starting off my week super inspired by posts or videos I've seen around the web.  Here are some things I can't wait to try!  I don't know if I'll get around to all of them this week, but thought I'd share!

I just love this art journal page.  I found it on You Tube and it was created by "Mixed Media Jenn."

I stumbled upon it via this You Tube video.  

I've messaged "Mixed Media Jenn" to find out if she has a website, but haven't heard back.  In the meantime, I'll have to content myself watching her awesome tutorials, which were collected on this Pinterest page. 

Tracy made the most beautiful quilt using masks from origami cut outs and her gelli plate.  I just love how this came out!

Her blog post has lots of how to-s and step out photos.

Carolyn Dube made this gorgeous ribbon.  Her generosity in sharing her process just astounds me, as does her ease and humor about conveying her techniques.

Carolyn has a new online class starting called "Transform Your Tape."  Check it out!

Last week, Marjie Kemper created a gorgeous page in tribute to her mom.  She used a silhouette, and the effect was stunning. 
You can't believe how much this beautiful page inspired me!  I have been creating my own silhouettes like crazy, and hope to have a blog post about them soon. 

I hope your week is full of inspiration, and that you'll share it with me in your comments below!

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. Love the quickness of this video with the music in the bg. Love the inserted written instructions. Your video kept me very entertained and inspired! Well done! :0)

  2. What a nice post to give shout outs to others.. Love all their work. So inspiring.

  3. Thank you for this video very inspiring. I have the same opinion like "bncpools"
    about the music and written instructions. zouzou

  4. Great lot of inspiration there! So diverse yet so idea opening. xox

  5. Nice post and way to share others' artistic talents. I didn't know you could actually pin you tube vids!! Have a great week Jessica

  6. I had pinned the first video....she really does rock color and composition right? Carolyn Dube.....she is such a sweet spirit .....just like you! Love from Oklahoma :)

  7. Thanks for the shout-out, Jessica!

  8. You always find so many things great thing to share... thanks for sharing my page. xx


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