
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gelli Plate Goodness

On Friday night, I taught a gelli plate class at Little Bird Creations in NYC.  This is a wonderful studio on the second floor of a walk up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  Michele Luxenberg has created a warm, inviting place for people to get together and play with paint!

We started gathered around a lovely, clean and organized table.  All but one of the students were new to gelli plate printing.

Before long, the paint started flying, the brayers were rolling, stencils were being shared, and everyone was laughing and having a good time! 

Rosie rocked her metallic paints.  All of her prints shimmered and shined!  You can see the dots and dashes stencil to her left...

Robin was the silhouette wiz and also created a beautiful print using the doors and windows stencil!

Michele got into the act, and created such a beautiful print using the Hebrew Calligraphy and Hamsa stencil that everyone wanted to swipe it from her!

Emily brought gorgeous hot pinks and reds from Dick Blick, and created beautiful lush prints with them:

Chi loved scribbling onto her painted plate with a q-tip, and created gorgeous sea-toned pages.  She even purchased the 8 x 10 and 6 x 6 inch plates at the end of class -- she was such a convert!

Karen had purchased the large gelli plate, and particularly enjoyed the medieval leaves stencil.

After playing for over an hour and making prints, we bound them into hand made journals.  Michele can't wait for the Israel motifs stencil - shown on her journal cover - to be live at Stencil Girl!

I hope to be back at Little Bird Creations soon! 

Your comments make me so happy and let me know you were here. I read and treasure every comment and will happily answer any questions as soon as I can.

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  1. OMG that looks like sooooooooooooo much fun! Lol I have yet to succumb to the geli plate but the temptation is getting greater by the second. A fab, fun and colourful post Jessica, thanks for sharing sweetie.
    Hugs x

    1. Thanks Dawn. Once you get one, you'll be hooked!

  2. Wish I'd been there. Looks like so much fun.

    1. Me too Boo! Hopefully our paths will cross soon.

  3. Looks like you all had so much fun, everyone is smiling and made such wonderful prints.

  4. Wish really I'd been seems this was a great and funny event for all the artists! wonderful photos!
    great prints are this all!

  5. That looks like you all had a great time... What a beautiful room and such wonderful prints.

  6. wish I could have been there too.
    Looks like great fun time. Great results.

  7. Could you publish any Gelli plate classes coming up in other states? I live in CO.

    1. As soon as I have one, I will! For now I am just in the NY area, but hope to come to CO someday soon!

  8. That looks like so much FUN Jessica. Surely those ladies are now hooked thanks to you....What a marvelous space to teach in. Love how you had them create journals at the end, great way to use their prints. xox

  9. Love the inspiration! Thanks for sharing. Going to go bind some Gelli Prints right now. Lindi - ArtinRealLife

  10. Thanks for sharing these great photos of the creative adventure. Everyone looks like they really got into the joy of Gelli plates and stencils. Love seeing so many smiling faces.

  11. looks like a great class(and space) and I can surely understand how you have inspired your students to create such beautiful prints!

  12. Everyone looks so happy! I bet it was a fabulous class. The new stencil on the journal cover looks like a must have, too!


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