
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rocking My World

I hope to make this a regular feature about other people's creativity that's just rocking my world!

Using a Hot Glue Gun to Make Doodle Stencils:
This seems to have originated with the amazing Traci Bautista, but I discovered it via Terri Stegmiller, a sister Stencil Girl designer, who posted about her explorations with making hot glue gun stencils and using them on fabric.  Look at this gorgeousness, and go to her blog to see how she used it.  

Creating Something a Day for 365 Days

Michelle at Low Coast Post is committing to creating a character a day for 365 days.  Look at her amazing creations! 

She has some great advice in how to approach a 365 challenge in this post.   I know there are a bunch of them out there, like 365 cards...  Are you committing to 365 of anything?  How do you make it work?

Fabulous faces: 

Faces give me a hard time in my art.  I'm always struggling with them.  But I'm inspired by this post from Tammy at Daisy Yellow Art, about making a collage of magazine faces and then drawing them.

It would be interesting to see how your technique evolves over time...

Polymer Clay:

My friend Corinne Gilman (whose post today about telling people you love them ROCKED MY WORLD) sent me this amazing Pinterest link, and my friend Judy Shea is doing a Polymer Clay online class that I participating in in February.  I know polymer clay and I will be dancing in 2013! Here is some of Judy's amazing work.

Check out this sneak peak video, and then more info about the class here!

What's rocking your world today?  Share some links and love!

Thank you for visiting! I read and treasure every comment and will answer any questions as quickly as I can.


  1. What a fun idea for a post! Here are a few random links to creations that I've been especially drawn to recently.

    An "Adoration of the Magi":

    A display of mermaid lights (make sure to scroll down to the second to last image in the post to see the whole thing):

    Angel Wings from Punk Projects:

    1. Hmm, the links don't seem to be clickable. (Was it me? Anyone know how to fix this?) Interested peoples may need to copy and paste.

    2. I don't think they can be "live" in the comments. But I'm off to copy and paste! I'm intrigued!

  2. Oh that's a lot of rocking Jessica, now I have a whole bunch more stuff to consider about creativity and how it can keep going in almost any direction. Thanks for you mindful words, we do need to love ourselves more, so we can open our hearts to love each other more....those hot glue gun stencils for fabric so rock! xox

  3. I've seen the Glue Gun stencil technique, but have never tried it...I think I should. Thanks for all the info!

  4. Thanks for the link to the glue gun stencil technique, I will try it soon, it looks like fun.

    This year I do a 365-day project I call it Flower Year and I am making a flower on little pages.
    I work on unbinded pages, and will bind them after a month, so that I will have 12 little journals at the end of the year.

    Greetings from Jolande

  5. Glue gun looks really fun to use. I actually feel sorry to waste the glue so I haven't tried it. :)) Thanks for sharing.

    1. It won't be a waste because you'll have created a beautiful stencil! Let me know if you try it.

  6. Thanks for sharing my post on the hot glue stencils Jessica! They are so fun and can't stop with just one!

  7. Thank you, Jessica, so much for my "rocking". Will be fun to try the glue stencil. Seems like stencils are big in our lives lately. I love faces and wish I were good at them.. I make tiny ones and they come out cute. See you tomorrow for our stencil drive.

  8. Fabulous! Love the hot glue - thanks for the link to Terri as I'll go check her out as soon as I can. I've been following Vivien Keh (Contadina) doing that and it is SO on my list of things to play with.


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