
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Words of Wisdom

More of the chickies.  This time strutting phrases of wisdom I have heard or overheard:
  • Labor is a craft, but relaxing is an art.
  • Sometimes the most important thing to hear is what isn't being said.
  • We have two ears and one mouth so that we will listen more than speak.
  • Instant gratification takes too long!
  • Procrastinate now, don't put it off 'til later.
  • Resist temptation, unless you can't.
  • You can never go wrong with black, except for sometimes.
  • You can't chew with someone else's teeth.
  • Just because it's worth saying doesn't mean it's worth repeating.
  • You can't ride two horses with one behind.
  • A half-truth is a whole lie.
Happy List it Tuesday!

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  1. I love the "riding two horses with one behind"...these are great! Beautiful illustration too. Love the chicks!

  2. This is awesome, Jessica! I love how you interpreted the topic and you made a beautiful journal page out of it!

    We need to meet one of these days! Coffee in Montclair maybe? :)

    1. That would be great! I had to interpret the prompt this way because I couldn't remember any "overheard" goodies. I'm either not listening well enough or my memory is a sieve. Probably a bit of both!

  3. I like how you put patterns on the chicks! So cute and creative with your list in between the chicks.

  4. Love the bright colour page, and great list!

  5. Wise words indeed. Some of them had me going.."huh"? Love the page. Another way some can use writing if they got nuttin to say (ahem.. me). Thank you.

  6. Lots of words of wisdom. Like the "Worth saying, worth repeating" one! {:-Deb

  7. Any words of wisdom are welcomed in my life...and to find them so colorful and delightfully drawn out is icing on the cake or birds! ;-)

  8. Such cute colourful chickies, and a I love the script you've used to impart your wisdom. Both art and craft.

  9. A half truth is a whole lie, yup you got it. Love the whimsy of this page. Sweet tweets from your birdie friends. xox

  10. Haha, what a fun list! I especially relate to the "procrastinate now, don't put it off til later" ;-)

  11. Your chicks looks awesome! I like your wisdom. :)

  12. Oh I love love love this! what a great way to use your quotes! The "two horses with one behind" is my favorite ☺

  13. What a cool and colourful list. Love the chicklets!

  14. You can't chew with someone else's teeth! LOVE THAT!!! Never heard of that one - but I LOVE all the color here (girl after my own heart ;) and your sayings are priceless. Gonna remember that teeth one! xoxo

  15. my Nan used to say you can't chew with someone else's teeth until one day my Grandfather pulled out his falsies and handed them to me... I get my smart mouth attitude from him... loved the sayings...xx

  16. Those little birds are as adorable as they are wise.

  17. Oh my goodness, I should write a list of all the sayings I heard from my mother in my childhood. I haven't completed this prompt yet--I still have a few days. :) I love the teeth one most.

  18. Great list! Some words of wisdom, some humor :) I love the birdie illos to go with your list, as if to say, "A little birdie told me." Thanks for sharing :)

  19. Love Love Love!!! The tangles inside the chicks are wonderful. Procrastinate favorite!

  20. Jessica, these are wonderful little chicklets of humor! I love the " you can't chew with someone else's teeth". Too funny!

  21. Cute Jessica!

    My favorite thing you overheard was "you can never go wrong with black except sometimes."

    You made me laugh out loud.

    Thanks, it felt so good.


  22. great journal page Jessica and I am seriously loving your leaf print page :)

  23. Love all of your pages, Jessica, but this one is just wonderful!!!!! Your words of wisdom are fantastic and inspirational!

  24. fantastic!! LOVE your parade of colorful chickies!!


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