
Monday, July 9, 2012

Who Are You Not To Be Fabulous?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.Marianne Williamson. 
I first heard these words in a yoga class in 1998.  These beautiful words gave me permission to fully embrace my gifts and talents, which I had long tried to keep "small" for fear that others wouldn't like me.  I have since learned that true friends are also the truest champions.  It is one of the greatest joys in life to be cheerleaders for one another.
I had already started a journal page based on this quote, but hadn't known what to do with the border.  The Diva's challenge, to use the new zentangle "Auraknot", provided the answer.  Inspired by Try it on Tuesday's Bingo Card challenge, I made her using lace to stencil the little blue dots next to the jewels/bling, several background papers, flowers, and of course butterflies.  I love this lady!  I feel like she has emerged out of a magical mist.  Her color inspiration is from Summer of Color week 5, which is based on the ice cream flavor Wild n' Reckless.   She's also going to visit Paint Party Friday and Inspire Me Monday.

While we were away last week, my younger daughter Samy and I had several conversations about group dynamics, both in our summer community and in school.  Eleven is a tough age for girls... I created this picture with the the message I hope she took away from our conversations...
 Last but not least, here are a few vacation pics:
Samy and two of my nieces taking in the sun!
My dad reading from the Declaration of Independence at our July 4th parade:

My beautiful girls:
Thank you for visiting! If you are so moved, please leave a comment. Hearing from you means the world to me.


  1. What a beautiful quote, and an equally beautiful work of art!

  2. your auraknot looks wonderful! i like your lady, too :) what an awesome journal page!

  3. Lovely work - such beautiful detail and design - both pieces are gorgeous - very inspiring and wise words too, thanks for sharing them.

  4. Both of your pages are gorgeous. Can't choose! :)

  5. That quote is amazing, have never heard it before, love it now though.

    The first journal page is gorgeous, love her colors and hair, sooooo pretty.

    It's great your having these talks with your daughter now, the teen years can be so rough. I think it's wonderful that you made this for her, she will love knowing your there for her and cheering for her.

    How sweet the 4th of July pictures are, love the one with your dad.
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Stunning colours, words and art Jessica!

  7. Both of your pages are wonderful. Annette x

  8. I adore your tangling work. What a beautiful piece of art.
    Lovely greet Marja

  9. Beautiful pages, and the first one is absolutely STUNNING! 11 is a very challenging age for a girl, I hope your chats with Samy helped.

  10. What a wonderful post.... the depth and detail in the first one is amazing.

    It's hard growing up! I love the piece you did for your daughter.


  11. Beautiful quotes, perfect for your gorgeous journal page!. I LOVe the lady she is ALL calm & balance. Stunning dots and all the intricate details of doodling. Hugs.

  12. Did you go on to read or study some of "The Course in Miracles"? Love your quote, so important to learn about ourselves. Your "auraknot" woven into your beautiful woman's portrait and inspirational sayings is fabulous as she is!

    1. Hi Gloria -- Actually, until writing this post, I always thought that quote was from Nelson Mandela's inauguration speech. That's who the yoga instructor attributed it to and, it turns out, it's often attributed to him. But when I wanted to cite it in this post, I found out where it's actually from! I've ordered her book and look forward to reading the whole thing. Thanks for the kind words!

  13. great post... love your work this week and a glimpse of your 4th of July celebration...xx

  14. Your work is lovely and thanks for sharing your holiday snaps

  15. Your lady is gorgeous but your girls are even more :)

  16. Your drawing is gorgeous. Love the lady and the quote, and your tangles of auraknot in lovely purple, the royal color.

  17. Your page and the quote are both truly beautiful...

  18. Jessica, Jai Shri Krishna...:-). I really love reading your blogs in conjunction with the art work you suppliment with. There is strength in your words and the lines.. Your painting for your daughter is lovely too. How about switching two words in it with each other - 'Create', and 'Find' ? Possibilities are out there, one has to find them. And magic is what we create within, it is in out control.

    1. Hi Dilip - that's a great idea. You are so right! I hope you will post more about Initiatives for Change. Did you read "Behind the Beautiful Forevers?" ( I would be interested in your perspective. My niece just left on Sunday for 5 weeks of study in India. She will be in Mysore for three of the weeks studying yoga and dance, and traveling for the other two. She will be a junior at University of Michigan and the trip was organized by one of her dance professors. I can't wait to hear from her.

    2. Hi Jessica, Thanks for acknowledging. No, I have not read this book, and, to tell you the truth, i am a very poor reader of books. But I checked the link. It does sound interesting.

      Yes, my main concern is the initiatives of change, and my other blog is meant for that. I will increase my writing there.

      It is interesting to know that your niece is currently in India, and in Mysore. Mysore is about 90 miles from Bangalore where I stay, and we have some friends in Mysore, so, if you wish, you can give my mobile number (9845025812) to her to contact me for any assistance.

  19. Beautiful! Love all the details, great take on the challenge. Thanks for playing with us at TIOT.
    Hugz, Z

  20. She's beautiful (your girls too!) and the saying is fabulous. Looking forward to seeing what you create next week. I can't believe it is the last!

  21. Beautiful pages, Fabulous job with the challenge! You did a great job working with auraknot! Love it! :)

  22. Congratulations Jessica - your beautiful artwork is one of our features this week at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!

    I have always loved this quote by Marianne Williamson too and also found it life-changing!

    Have a wonderful week and continue to

    Create With Joy

  23. Your journalpages are beautiful! Love the details in the first one!

  24. Absolutely love the quote and the beautiful Diva. You are very talented and worthy to be included in an Inspire Me Monday!

    Dani - ATA Girls

  25. I love your journal page! The colours are lovely and she has the most beautiful expression! Lovely thought provoking quote too. Thank you so much for joining us at TioT. Cindy

  26. About the top painting: Great patterns and colourcombo! Love it!


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